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'Breaking Illusion' explores science as art

Brooke Grasso, Campus Times

“Breaking Illusion: Artist as Scientist” opened Wednes­day night, showcasing scientific approaches to art.

More than 50 students, faculty and community members gathered to view the exhibit at the University of La Verne’s College of Law campus in Ontario.

“Artists spend as much time as scientists do, honing in on their abilities,” exhibit curator, Conchi Sanford, said. It is rare to associate science with art; however, the new exhibit is allowing spectators to explore their similarities.

Showcasing the work of seven diverse artists – including Toni Gentilli, Betsy Lohrer Hall and Kimiko Miyoshi – the exhibit contains photography, paintings, sculptures and various unconventional and scientific approaches to art.

Artist Virginia Katz works with topography and creates her pieces based off of an environmental form. Much of her work involves colored acrylic to create natural occurrences such as waves.

Jessica Wimbley merges genetic and biological history within her art. Her showcased pieces depict a mother holding her child with various fading faces and people behind her, to suggest they were all a part of her heritage. Read More

Professor of Humanities Al Clark appreciates the integration of images by artist Jessica Wimbley in Belle 9B from The Belle Series, on Tuesday. The series part of “Breaking Illusion: Artists as Scientist,” at the University of La Verne College of Law in Ontario, California. Wimbley combines images of herself with other relatives with other historical stereographic images of native and black American women from the turn of the century. The “Breaking Illusion” exhibit will remain open until May 20. / photo by Jolene Nacapuy

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