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Jessica Wimbley

A Visit to Dimensions of Black at UC Davis' Manetti Shrem Museum of Art

This weekend I took a quick trip up north to visit the exhibition Dimensions of Black on view at the University of California, Davis' Manetti Shrem Museum of Art. What a wonderful trip back to my alma mater, and a huge honor to be included in such a powerful exhibition. Curator Sampada Aranke wrote an excellent exhibition essay, Unarchived but Present: Black Contemporary Artists and the Stories Told Between Them, which further contextualizes themes in the exhibition, including works from the Museum Collection. I was fortunate enough to be greeted by the fabulous Carmel Dor, Visitor Experience Associate and enjoyed a 3 hour tour of the exhibitions, and new museum grounds. What a wonderful trip- I <3 Manetti Shrem Museum of Art!

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