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Upcoming exhibition: Boston Court Pasadena ART UP FRONT: Jessica Wimbley MAY 24 - JULY 31, 2018

Jessica Wimbley


Though Boston Court is primarily known for bold and adventurous music and theatre, visual art has long been a manifestation of it's mission. Curator Gabriel Cifarelli extends the themes of the performances into The theatre lobby, where rotating visual art exhibits often comment on those themes, and also explore the role of visual arts in a performing arts setting.

Belle Jet Sandi Baartman Mask ,detail 2016


MAY 24 - JUNE 31, 2018


The Belle and Belle Jet Series investigates identity through portraiture. Wimbley integrates self portraiture with images of her grandmother, great grandmother, and other relatives dating back to the early 1900’s and historical stereographic and cabinet card images of Native, African, and African American women. References begin to shift between both photographic images from the turn of the century to popular culture printed images (such as JET Magazine’s “Beauties of the Week”), investigating both shifts in time, ideology, and representation- capturing the nuances of identity development, conceptualization, and intersectionality.

The merging of multigenerational representations through photography and printed media in conjunction with painting and drawing exposes the nuances of inherited ideals and beliefs about how we construct self.

In conjunction with the play HER PORTMANTEAU, OPENING NIGHT, JUNE 2 @ 8PM

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